Sunday, May 24, 2009

Crab Fishing on The Ventura Pier

For the last two weeks I have gone to the Ventura Pier to go crabbing and fishing. I always bring my fishing poles with me just to keep me busy inbetween pulling up my nets. The first week I went I was just seeing what was being caught there and trying to see if I was going to like the pier. I have noticed that there are some piers that I just do not like.

There are several reasons I might not like a certain pier. One reason is that it is over crowded. For example, I went to Redondo pier about a month ago and I really disliked it. I showed up around 5pm on a saturday night. I was thinking that there might be a few fisherman and a couple people crab fishing BUT there was about 50 to 75 people fishing. There were so many people fishing that thet were all literally standing elbow to elbow. I dislike that because I have no room to throw my pole out and have no where to throw my nets. Also, if I were to catch a fish I would most likely get tangled in someone elses line. I like to relax and have a good time while catching some nice size crabs and fish.

Back to Ventura pier. So i show up and see that there are a couple pier out on the pier. This pier is 1700 feet long so the fact that there are only about 10 to 20 people was great. So I headed down the pier about half way and set up my nets and poles. I was seeing people near me catching a few perch and a few smaller fish so I knew there were fish out there.

After about 15 minutes I pulled up my first net and had one crab. It was to small so i there it back. A little while later I pull up my nets again and I had a bit of seaweed. So i pulled the net up to clean out the seaweed and I realized that there was something in the seaweed. I CAUGHT A LOBSTER! I was extremely excited but also a bit bummed because lobster is out of season right now. So I admired it for a little bit and then threw him back. The rest of the night I caught about 6 very decent sized crabs. It was on ok night. I realized this was my new favorite pier.

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